Therapy for adolescents/young adults

Are you concerned that your child may be struggling with ADHD, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, poor academic performance, gender identity issues, or lack of motivation? It is not easy to be a teen or young adult these days, and most don’t have someone they can talk to objectively. When it comes to being a parent, it’s only natural to try and steer your child in a particular direction. In addition to parental support, teens benefit from talking to someone they can confide in—someone who will sit with them amid the messiness of their lives without telling them what they should or need to do. In fact, sometimes teens don’t even know how they feel. They just know that something is off, yet they’re unable to put all the pieces together themselves and make sense of it.

It can be difficult for parents to understand what is going on with their teen as the adolescent years represent an extremely challenging transition period. During this time, the teenage brain develops more than at any other point in life. Behavior during this time can look like defiance.. However the defiance or irritability is often an indicator that something deeper is going on.

Counseling for teens offers a safe, non-combative environment where kids can dig deeper, process their concerns, and be honest about what they feel and need.

Have any questions? Get in touch!