EMDR and Trauma Healing
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based approach form of psychotherapy that focuses on healing individuals from trauma, emotional distress, anxiety, or symptoms that have resulted after a disturbing life experience.
EMDR allows your brain to reprocess and heal from emotional trauma much like the body heals from physical injury. EMDR uses sets of eye movements to help you update disturbing experiences, much like what occurs when we sleep. During sleep, we alternate between regular sleep and REM (rapid eye movement). This sleep pattern helps you process things that are troubling you. EMDR replicates this sleep pattern by alternating between sets of eye movements and pauses to reflect on what you are noticing. This alternating process helps you update your memories to a healthier present perspective.
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A Nutritious Life Therapies
Denver, CO.